Saturday, March 24, 2012

Homemade To Do List!

Okay so I had my Girl Scout troop do this as a project too so they can be more "responsible" around their homes to "help" out around the house!  We did this at our last GS meeting!  Of course I had to make one with the girls'!  hehehe  It turned out so cute.  So basically start out with two pieces of coordinating 12x12 scrapbook paper or really any size you want to make.  I used 12x12 paper.  So get your supplies ready,..... cardboard (I used a display board so we could make more than one or you can use the rectangle cardboard in the cake decorating section as I have done before), exacto knife, glue, bamboo sticks, straws (colors to match your paper or clear), pens, and/or ribbon & flowers or any embellishments if you choose to decorate it with. You will need your glue gun also!  :-)

So cut a piece of cardboard for the 12x12 paper you will want your "to do items" on and then another piece a bit bigger for the piece of the board to show behind the sticks and straws.  Glue the paper on the front of the pieces you have chosen. (Be sure to glue your paper correctly on the cardboard so you have the holes on the side of the cardboard). See below,...

Cut the 12x12 one off center such as at a 1/3 mark.  The bigger side will be on the left for writing the tasks on and the smaller on the right side.  Take your bamboo sticks and place in the side of your cardboard with the corragated view showing on the sides, not on the top and bottom, spaced out for as many "chores" you will have listed.  I chose to do a "Every Day" and Every Weekend" chore list.  You can do "Every Day" and "Every Week" if you would like and just add ever how many straws you will need on the "Every Week" section as to how many times a week that chore is to be done! 

Once you have the straws where you want them and figured it out, use the glue gun to place a small amount on the end and push into the holes in order to keep them from moving around on you when inserting the others.  This is very important or you will want to throw it all down by the end of it because they move and come out of the holes once in without the glue!  :-) Check it out below.

Let's add the straws now!  Cut small pieces of straw to slide back and forth on the sticks,...

Once your straws are on you are going to do the same thing to the other side but with the glue for now to make sure your sticks will line up with the other side,...

After you do that pull it out and then place a little glue on each end as you did before and insert them in the correct holes to hold the sticks still.  Once you have done that you can glue ribbon on to the back to make it to hand or use velcro or how ever you want to hang it.  I chose ribbon and to cover the back of it with white cardstock to cover the ends of the ribbon as below,....

Once you have done that write out your lists and get out your embellishments and such and decorate it as you would like!

I think they turn out so cute and Kayleigh is using hers this weekend for the first time since it was just completed this past week a little at a time as I would get off of work!  So cute and practical for her!  Unlimited possibilites on decorating these such as putting their names down the right side, buttons, etc.!  Get the kids involved and HAVE a CRAFTIN' SCRAPPIN' HAPPY TIME!!!!   'Til next time,.....  ~ Amanda M. Chaney

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